Sunday, June 24, 2012

Waste not Want not. Your guide to meal planning.

Do you ever walk into a grocery store, have a FEW items on you list, but always end up with a smorgasbord of things that end up rotting in the back of your fridge and in the garbage? Lets throw cash away yay! Lets not. Are you the type of person that opens your fridge with a craving for something salty or sweet. Lets go to the corner store and buy garbage. Lets not.
So here it is, what I am about to tell you is about to make a lot of sense. This is not going to be an automatic thing. It will get easier the more you practice it, like all things in life. This practice is one to definitely make a go at.
Take a moment on your day off or a designated time each week. I do this at least once a week on thursdays early afternoon. I will write down dinner ideas for at least five nights, and basics to have around the house. This will bring your grocery bill down, and save food from ending up in the garbage.
Here is an example

Thursday dinner-
-Portabello mushrooms topped with sauteed spinach
-sweet potato fries
-roasted asparagus

Friday Dinner-
-Salmon with dill
 -baked potato
-baby bok choy


So as we can see here, you would write the food you would need just for dinner. Buy fruit, tons of salad items like cucumbers tomatoes and sprouts. Your basic staples like olive oil. For those sweet cravings I will buy an organic coconut sorbet to throw in the freezer. I know what I love to eat, so for snacks or lunch I buy hummus with flatbread served with a salad  or yogurt for snacks (healthy probiotics). Same goes for breakfast. The important thing is to get your protein in every meal to carry you throughout the day, your veggies for fiber and health, and a little bit of carb if you desire.
When my grains, and beans are running low, I shop in health food store bulk sections. I work at a health food store The Foodmill in Oakland CA. They have over 700 items in bulk so I definetly stock up on my grains, spices and its A LOT CHEAPER than buying it in the regular grocery store. So find one that is closest to you and you will be pleasantly surprised. So try this method if you aren't already, your pocket book will love you, and your body will thank you and please support the local farmers markets and smaller health food stores they are invaluable.


  1. This is amazing advice. Can you shop for me? I need help since I work 60 plus hours a week and buy quick comfort food. I need some regiment in my shopping and life space.

    Love your blog

  2. There are times when my schedule is so full that it conflicts me from even reaching my fridge. When you are out and about, there are always healthy choices....EXAMPLE....When I am running into San Francisco and get off transit, there is conveniently a Mcdonalds staring you down. Yes it's cheap, Yes it's crap. Two blocks down there is a small business that sells quiches per slice, salads, pointing towards healthier options. This is where will power comes through, and laziness can be defeated. If you break once and a while, don't kick yourself down, we are infallible. Pick yourself back up, and remember your body will thank you. Whether you bring leftovers with you; fruit or healthier foods bought in restaurants and stores on the go, YOU WILL FIGURE THIS OUT.
    Practice makes perfect.
