Friday, June 29, 2012

Why to use apple cider vinegar

For those of you that have heard, but most importantly for those of you that haven't, I want to introduce you to this elusive cider vinegar. Sounds so appealing right...hmm vinegar. Well it's more than vinegar, it can transform your dressings, combat acid reflux and detox you out when you need it most. When it comes to flavors I totally understand, balsemic serves its purpose and so does white rice vinegar. Here's the difference, Raw unpasturized apple cider vinegar can help you digest your foods. Why? It has naturally occuring enzymes to help you break down what you are consuming....Everything, fibers, fats, carbs and proteins without the sometimes bloated food belly. Exciting right? Right. Besides using it as an ingredient in dressings, you can take this detoxifying, energizing elixir as a shot or health drink....Here's how
Energy Shot- When you need a healthy natural non caffienated pick up, make yourself a shot morning or afternoon. You can also use this elixir for when your belly is feeling bloated, over acidic, and detoxifies your liver kidney and gallbladder. When taking your first shot, like drinking a shot of whisky has a lil burn, yet once it gets into your system alkalizes.

Energy shot= 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar plus 2 teaspoon of agave, honey, maple syrup or blackstrap molasses.

Health drink- Similar as the energy shot, just not as much as the shot of energy. Now because apple cider vinegar contains enzymes, this means it assists in the breakdown of fats. A lot of people drink this not only to help with acid reflux, detox, but drink it during a healthy weight management program.

Health drink= 8 fl oz of NON-tap water, 1-2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, 1-2 teaspoons of agave nectar, honey, maple syrup, or blackstrap molasses.
*Look at some of my recipes on ideas for apple cider vinegar in dressings, and discover how fun it is to make your own.
*You can find this raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar at your local health food stores, and selected gourmet grocery stores.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Asian cabbage coleslaw

It's summer time and the fourth of July is coming. Whether you want to bring something to a party, or make it for your own this will satisfy veg heads and compliments bbq fanatics.  As we all know cabbage is packed with high fiber which is essential to a healthy diet.. It is also known to have cancer fighting properties such as sinigrin, a glucosinolate found  in short cooked or raw cabbage. You won't even notice you're doing something good for yourself when you taste this sweet savory slaw until it slams a punch in your mouth. (Say that 12 times).

Serves 6 sides for party size double the ingredients and dressing.
- 1/2 head shredded purple cabbage(medium size yields about 4 cups)
-1/4 cup of diced green onion
-1/4 cup diced cilantro (omit or use basil if cilantro is not your thang)
-1/2 cup shredded carrot
-1 can corn
-1/4 cup of sesame seeds (optional)

-2 tablespoons of toasted sesame oil
-2 limes
-1 tablespoon agave nectar or honey(to sweeten)
-2 teaspoons unpasteurized apple cider vinegar
-1 tablespoon of braggs liquid aminos (or soy sauce if you don't have it)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Waste not Want not. Your guide to meal planning.

Do you ever walk into a grocery store, have a FEW items on you list, but always end up with a smorgasbord of things that end up rotting in the back of your fridge and in the garbage? Lets throw cash away yay! Lets not. Are you the type of person that opens your fridge with a craving for something salty or sweet. Lets go to the corner store and buy garbage. Lets not.
So here it is, what I am about to tell you is about to make a lot of sense. This is not going to be an automatic thing. It will get easier the more you practice it, like all things in life. This practice is one to definitely make a go at.
Take a moment on your day off or a designated time each week. I do this at least once a week on thursdays early afternoon. I will write down dinner ideas for at least five nights, and basics to have around the house. This will bring your grocery bill down, and save food from ending up in the garbage.
Here is an example

Thursday dinner-
-Portabello mushrooms topped with sauteed spinach
-sweet potato fries
-roasted asparagus

Friday Dinner-
-Salmon with dill
 -baked potato
-baby bok choy


So as we can see here, you would write the food you would need just for dinner. Buy fruit, tons of salad items like cucumbers tomatoes and sprouts. Your basic staples like olive oil. For those sweet cravings I will buy an organic coconut sorbet to throw in the freezer. I know what I love to eat, so for snacks or lunch I buy hummus with flatbread served with a salad  or yogurt for snacks (healthy probiotics). Same goes for breakfast. The important thing is to get your protein in every meal to carry you throughout the day, your veggies for fiber and health, and a little bit of carb if you desire.
When my grains, and beans are running low, I shop in health food store bulk sections. I work at a health food store The Foodmill in Oakland CA. They have over 700 items in bulk so I definetly stock up on my grains, spices and its A LOT CHEAPER than buying it in the regular grocery store. So find one that is closest to you and you will be pleasantly surprised. So try this method if you aren't already, your pocket book will love you, and your body will thank you and please support the local farmers markets and smaller health food stores they are invaluable.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Quinoa summer salad

This one is for you mom. I made this simple recipe for my family. What is so wonderful about quinoa is the high protein content even though it is a grain, that is why my mother loves it so. It is versatile with a wonderful texture. Whether you are bringing it to a party or better yet, make it, store it in the fridge for your family to have for lunch or a healthy snack. This will take you 30 minutes worth of food preparation or less.

-1 1/2 cup of quinoa
- 3 cups of water or vegetable broth
-1 cup of cooked organic black beans,
or canned if in a hurry
-1 red bell pepper diced
-1/4 cup diced green onion (they look like scallions)
-1 medium seedless cucumber or 3 persian cucumbers diced
-1/2 cup diced cilantro (optional for you cilantro lovers)
- juice of 2 limes

The Dressing (top secret)
-1/2 olive oil
-1/3 cup applecider vinegar
-1/2 tablespoon fresh minced ginger
-1 clove of garlic minced/ 2 teaspoons
-1 tablespoon of agave nectar
-1 tablespoon of braggs liquid aminos (less sodium than soy sauce)

1) First I cook the quinoa, bring the water to a boil and add the quinoa. Lower the heat so that it simmers 15-20 minutes until the water is absorbed. Set aside to cool.
2) This dressing is a normal thing I store in a reused glass kombucha bottle, this recipe calls for lime, but I will usually add a lemon. I use a blender because it makes life easier, and enhances the flavor. If you do not possess a blender, you can mince the ginger or garlic. You may have to add more of the garlic and ginger if you are not using a blender. It can be stored in the fridge for up to two weeks!!! 
3) In a large bowl, add your quinoa, black beans, diced red bell pepper, green onion, cilantro, cucumber, lime plus dressing.

This recipe is best eaten at room temperature or even chilled!! This is a perfect dish all by itself, or as a side for fish, or chicken.

How it all came to be...

I truly believe that creativity is the spark that feeds us, lets us escape the monotony of everyday responsibilities. Cooking has been something that has helped me do that, while making everyone very happy and full. Currently I work as a nutrition consultant at an old school health food store. Twice a week I create dishes for anyone interested free of charge, giving fresh ideas on how to cook, handing out recipes, and feeding the masses. So far its been very inspiring connecting with everyone over one simple thing: FOOD. GOOD FOOD. So instead of settling at a plateau, I've decided to make a collection of some of the best recipes to share old ones, new ones, and ones shared....with all of you readers. In addition, I'll even add juicy tid bits like "why to use apple cider vinegar in a salad dressing?" and "what the heck is TVP?"
So this goes out to all you readers out there, and of course.....Annapoorna the goddess of nourishment.